As my (After) Mrs Laderman suffers from Alopecia Universalise and has become a very eccentric character with many of the cliche carnival psychic traits such as the turban and tarot cards, I feel that her makeup needs to be applied from the original 1940's classic look to reflect her dramatic personality. As she suffers from the Alopecia condition I wanted the main focus of her makeup to be that of her eyebrows which will be drawn on in a manner that is very exaggerated. My inspiration for this concept was actually from a lady that I saw walking through the park who had visibly over plucked her eyebrows in her youth and therefore had drawn them on with very thick black eyeliner. Unfortunately I was unable to get a photograph of this fabulous woman so therefor had to use Google as an attempt to find some similar examples.This first image is a wonderful example of the kind of eyebrows that I want to include within my makeup design. They are incredibly dramatic and not at all flattering to the models face but this is what makes them work! In addition the use of a heavy black eyeliner line is something so commonly seen by woman who do not quite understand the concept of creating a good eyebrow that appears natural. Often their brows are drawn on significantly to thick for their face with a product that is better used for your eyeliner, this leaves a harsh black mark instead of a natural brow. This idea of the harsh eyebrows is something I want to include for Mrs Laderman as I want to demonstrate her desperation to cling to the concepts of her glamorous youth as bold brows are a common concept of youthful beauty.

This second image is another nice example of a thick brow but I feel that this is far to natural for my creation of Mrs Laderman. This is predominantly due to the fact that you can still see the natural brow hair underneath the drawn on brows, obviously my Mrs Laderman does not have this as she suffers from Alopecia therefore I feel that it is important to be overly dramatic instead of play it safe with a more natural brow that I feel would not complement her level of eccentricity.
Image Ref: (Blonde Bold Brows) http://www.popsugar.com/beauty/Spring-2012-Beauty-Trend-Thick-Brows-19075472
Image Ref: Natural Bold Brows http://www.maisquebelas.com.br/category/dicas-de-beleza/
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