Thursday 26 March 2015

Contemporary Victorian Hairstyles, Inspired by American Horror Story

Health and Safety: If using a model place apron around the neck to protect clothing. 
Always ensure to run a client consultation to check for any infections, allergies or contraindications.
Wash hands thoroughly before touching the clients face.
Tools Used:
- Tailed Sectioning Comb
- Paddle Brush
- Curling Tongs
- Hair Grips
- Sectioning Grips

Process of Creation: Preparing the Hair
1. Divide the hair into a deep side parting using a sectioning tail comb.
2. Starting at the front of the head divide the crown into three one inch sections from the side with the parting over the centre of the head. Curl each of these sections away from the parting making sure the hair covers the whole tong. 
3. Repeat a second row behind the first and secure each curl with a grip as you go to form a standing pin curl. 
4. On either side of this row of three create another two rolls on each side that both curl downwards.
4. Ensure that each curl sits directly above its parting to give volume.
5. Divide the hair again at the sides of the head following the back of the crown downwards. 
6. Create another two rows of standing pin curls on either side of the face, ensuring that the curls face inwards.
7. Next neated up the division at the back of the head so you are left with an odd ended triangular shape with a small section of loose hair at the nape of the neck on each side. 
8. Again curl these 1 inch sections in towards the face and pin to secure.
9. At the back of the head divide each layer by roughly one inch and proceed to create sets of curls at the back of the head all facing downwards.
10. These curls should sit like brickwork with a row of two, then three, then two so that no continuous divide is visible.
11. Allow all the curls to sit in place once pinned and cool. 

Process of Creation - Maids Hairstyle
1. Remove all the hair pins from the hair apart form those that sit at the top section of the crown e.g. sides and back.
2. Using your fingers brush lightly brush through the curls to make them more defined, you may also wish to go over lightly with a paddle brush.
3. Taking the back section of the hair begin twisting the hair against the curl to form a roll that follows from each ear into the centre of the neck.
4. Twist in the ends and pin securely.
5. Using the end of a tail comb pull gently at the hair to create additional body. If done correctly a neat wave should appear.
6. Remove the grips from the front sections of hair pulling the sides backwards and then pinning further forwards to create a wave.
7. Layer the additional front curls over one another to create a vintage wave at the front of the head.  
Process of Creation - Glamorous Do
1. Taking a paddle brush hold out large sections of curl and gently brush the hair in an over and under motion to form larger, softer waves.
2. Repeat this motion across the whole of the hair. 
3. On the front sections of hair push them slightly forwards on both sides of the parting so that the waves are more defined around the face. 
4. Ensure to play around with the shape of the curls, moving the sections as required to break up any gaps. 
5. If necessary some of the roots may also be backcombed to create extra body to the root of the hair. 
6. Spray to set if required.
Use a paddle brush to brush out the curls, using a over and under motion to get big, smooth curls to form. 

Shaken Out Curls
To create a move interesting hair style that carries heavy 1980's elements to it you can ask the model/shake the dolls head upside down to release all the curls. This will create serious volume at the roots and will also provide beautiful waves at the front of the face.

I actually found the setting of the hair for these styles rather challenging and therefore spent a great deal of time making sure that it was done correctly and to the best of my ability. Obviously with greater practice I will be able to ensure that the speed of my preparation for this style improves along with maintaining the effort and neatness that I put into this first attempt. Although the curls themselves are rather simple, as is the layout once you have got to grips with it, it was essential for the correct amount of volume to be allowed within the hair so that it sat correctly on the head when in  a finished style, because of this I opted to use slightly smaller tongs that the rest of the class however I felt this worked to my advantage as I was able to create body and much more elaborate waves in the finished result. My favourite element of the first hairstyle has to be that of the back of the head which provides a nice example of the wave I was able to achieve by taking time over the positioning and size of my curls. In addition to this is the final style which was by far my favourite, this style had an immense amount of volume and I really liked how the curls turned out. I did not really like the second style however I feel this would be an excellent choice for my Mrs Laderman character who is aimed to be within her 40s/50s so would be appropriate for a vintage setting.

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