Friday 13 March 2015

Evaluation of Unit

Overall I feel that the first part of this unit was relatively successful and in all I was pleased with the final result of my character designs overall. For me I found this unit rather creatively restrictive however I feel this is purely down to the fact that I have such an in depth understanding of ‘Great Expectations’ and therefore wanted to develop my designs into more artistic interpretations that may not have been understood by other audiences. I found this a problem in particular with Miss Havisham’s creation as through my analysis on a critical perspective of her character I became focused on wanting to create an interpretation different from the normal aged depictions. Although I was pleased with my final design I feel creatively I would like to have done more but may have lost touch with the realism needed for purpose of film continuity. In that respect working to a brief was initially challenging however I feel that when it then came to creating my Estella I had a significantly better understanding of what was expected. I was able to overcome difficulties such as my model having bright red hair, tattoos and piercings to create an authentic interpretation of the characters required. From this unit however I have discovered that I really struggle with continuity and need to refine my eye more as what I see in real life is not what is seen in my final images. This is an issue I need to amend, however because of my difficulties I took it upon myself to also create the character of Magwitch to fully demonstrate my understanding of the novel and brief.

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